Monday, October 29, 2007

Everyone deserves love, a home and a hugg.

As part of my Public Relations course this year we had to choose a non-profit organisation that we would work with as our client. I worked in a group of two and we chose the Hugg Homes project in Port Elizabeth as our client. The Hugg Homes concept is one that recognizes the need that exists to house profoundly disabled people who are over the age of 18 and do not have someone who is able to look after them.

The Hugg Homes Project is the main initiative of the Perpetual Care Trust (PCT), a non-profit organistion registered with the South African Federation for Mental Health. The project strives to provide life care for profoundly disabled South Africans of 18 years and older in shared homes in the community.
The Perpetual Care Trust (PCT) for the Profoundly Handicapped* was founded in 1998 by Pieter and Leona Labuschagne and friends, with a view to addressing the issue and the one question that haunts all parents of the disabled: What is to become of our disabled child when we die, or when we get too old to take care of him/her?

My group member and I worked with Leona for the year to raise money and awareness for the Hugg Homes project. We managed to organize a Benefit Breakfast for this special organisation. Although we did not make as much money as we had intended to, we definatly raised awareness about the project. It is a wonderful feeling to help someone who needs it and we seem to have benefited from helping Hugg Homes as much as we hope that they benefited from our help. Personally I have become a lot more sensitive to the issues that surround the disabled in South Africa and I would encourage everybody to find out more about what they can do for the various disability institutions in South Africa.

To find out more about what is being done for the disabled in South Africa visit;

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