Thursday, September 6, 2007

Reduce, Re-use, Recycle.

The inspiration behind this blog is from an assignment that I recently had to do for my PR course at varsity. The assignment outlined that we had to come up with a recycling campaign for a small town. We had to increase the awareness about how important recycling is. The research that I did for the assignment made me think about my personal feelings toward recycling.
I like to think that I try to preserve the environment as much as possible, for instance, I turn the tap off whilst brushing my teeth and I don’t throw used chocolate wrappers out of my car window. I know that these are small things and I know that recycling paper and glass is important, yet I don’t take things a step further by consciously separating my trash. Maybe I don’t take this extra step because South Africa is generally not one of the leaders in providing more facilities for recycling. The country needs major improvement in the recycling department and some kind of campaign needs to be launched that focuses on the benefits of recycling. I truly believe that people would recycle more if they knew more about it and had the proper facilities.
Natural resources are precious, not enough people know that it is a real possibility that these resources could run out if we don’t take more care of the environment. There are some great websites out there that will help people to make the right choices about recycling and that provide useful tips about recycling.
Some of the sites are:

Lastly, I would like to leave you with a message from one of my favourite muso’s, Jack Johnson. In his 3 R’s song from the Curious George music sound track he creates a motto that today’s world should live by, that being; Reduce, Re-use, Recycle.

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